But enough of that emotional stuff. Let's get onto the presents! I am so blessed that my friends and family know me oh so well. That it's not about just getting more "things" but receiving presents that are meaningful, useful and sometimes delicious! From Dad and Sharon I received, as per tradition, 27 yellow roses, one for every year! This year's batch has turned a bit orange, but it adds to their charm.
From Mom and Charles, I got a beautiful bracelet with owls on it. I haven't been able to photograph it well, so we'll have to wait on a picture of that. Super fun books from friends and a wonderful sister - in -law. Yummy pumpkin muffins and a super fancy beer also made it into the mix from friends who know my tastes all too well. Can't wait to dive into these!

Tom's parents win the award for the most unique present that I opened this year. Tom's mom knows of my love of penguins, and decided that they were definatly underrepresented in our home. So she got me a stuffed animal penguin that not only stands on its own, but came with several seasonally appropriate sweaters that the penguin could change into over the course of the year. It will be a wonderfuly whimsical addition to our stuffed animal family!

Last but not least, the presents from Tom! There were some practical things, (sharkies, printer ink), a fun new pocket knife for hiking and backpacking, then there was the map. We have the goal to visit all the National Parks, and we want to visit them together. So my amazing hubby actually made a map labeling all the locations of every National Park in the US (including the islands). They are color coded to match the color of the National Park Stamps that go in the National Park Passports. At the bottom of the map is an alphabetized list of all the parks, with a space to write the date that we visited each park. It is an amazing gift, and one that we will use and treasure for many many years to come.

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